Travel Reviews: Mexico Travel - The Best And Worst

Famous with beautiful beaches and historic sites, ancient buildings such as pyramids or ancient cities ... So, all these reasons make Mexico becomes address "red" for Foreign tourists coming. If you have plan Mexico travel, here are The Best and Worst in the Mexico.

Days that it Didn’t Rain

I estimate it probably rained a grand total of maybe 14 times during our entire stay. From the first week of January until the day we left it didn’t rain once. Amazing right?

Favorite Place

Sayulita, of course. We didn’t travel much once we got settled, and part of that was because of how comfortable we felt there.
Bloggers and beers

Least Favorite Place

Might have been the heat, or the gritty-city feel, but Guadalajara didn’t do much for me. The Pinterest-famous Playa del Amor was also a disappointment.

Favorite Food

So many things! Tacos of course, in all their variety, but I also developed a penchant for chilaquiles (fried tortillas in tomato sauce) that I will have to learn to re-create. Pozole, sopes and tortas ahogadas are all a close second.

Most Memorable Moments

Releasing baby turtles on the beach at sunset, celebrating the Day of the Dead with the locals and eating my way through Puerto Vallarta’s food scene.
Day of the Dead Decorations
Day of the Dead Decorations

Biggest Annoyance

Mexico is SO LOUD. Sometimes I loved it, like when the crazy trucks would go by broadcasting their wares. Sometimes I hated it, mostly when I was trying to sleep and someone was blasting mariachi musiclate into the night.

Scariest Wildlife Encounter

In April our bathroom was invaded by an enormous wolf spider- I mean, huge. Mike and I were both too chicken to kill him so we named him Wolfie and tried to co-exist. Eventually (like two weeks later) he crawled out the window on his own.

Coolest Souvenir

Before we departed I loaded up on beaded bracelets, cute t-shirts and Mexican vanilla.
Jalisco Countryside
Jalisco Countryside

Biggest Regret

Not making it to Mexico City, Puebla or Oaxaca. It wasn’t really in the budget this time around but it’s a great reason to return!

Biggest Misconception

Obviously that Mexico is a dangerous war-zone. While some parts I definitely wouldn’t visit, we never felt safer than in our little town by the beach.

Best Advice

When it comes to food, be willing to push past your comfort zone. Sure you could come to Mexico and stick to restaurant-made quesadillas and enchiladas, but what is the fun in that? The street stands are where all the real Mexico action is.
Also, if you’re planning to rent an apartment in Sayulita like we did, get there well before the start of high season.
Would I Go Back? In a heartbeat! There is so much more of Mexico I need to see. Plus, I know we’ll be back in Sayulita someday in the future, although the place is changing so rapidly we may not recognize it anymore.
